

What young people say…..

“My focus has improved a lot. I am getting more achieved in my lessons, I feel happier and feel more positive and confident about my exams. I am pleasantly surprised that I have come this far in just six sessions”. Oscar B 

“I am calmer and my confidence in class has definitely improved. Before I started doing mindfulness, I thought it was a bit silly, but now I know that it really is really helping me. I would recommend AM because I already see the benefits and I’ve only been coming a few weeks”. Mollie D

“I think the Amazing Minds programme is really good. I feel proud of myself for the changes I'm already seeing”. Cerys M

“When I first got introduced, I wasn’t really sure. One of my teachers thought it would have a good impact on me, so I decided to do it. In the beginning, I didn’t really think it would do anything, so it surprised me because it has had an impact on my mindset, my way of thinking, and my proactiveness. If I hadn’t done it, I would be in the same position I was in before doing it. I would definitely recommend this programme, especially to Year 11s. I found it very helpful this year, as I need to focus before doing my GCSEs and now, I know how to deal with stress. Also, in the past, I used to have trouble sleeping and mindfulness has really helped me with that”. Darcy G

"It is a good and useful course, even if you might not need it at the time (that you do it), as it gives you the opportunity to have something to help you. It has helped me to be calmer, more rational, and more aware of what I'm doing and how I'm feeling". Kerrie B

“Amazing minds wasn't something I thought about doing but when I did the program it helped me find ways to cope with different situations as well as the many different mindfulness techniques helped and if you have a chance to do the Amazing Minds programme then do so”. Rachel T

“I don't have anything profound to say but it's surprised me how well this has worked but I didn't realise it was going to be so effective”. Ava C

*all students names have been changed to ensure anonymity of all the young people that kindly gave us feedback.

What parents say...

"My 11 year old daughter was struggling with anxiety after a traumatic illness, she was finding it hard to switch off and sleep and the tiredness was beginning to affect her ability to focus as well as her overall self confidence particularly as she was approaching the transition to secondary school. Amazing Minds was able to help my daughter understand her mind and how it works at a relatable level for her. The sessions equipped her with techniques to help her manage difficulty. As the sessions progressed her sleep and concentration improved. Her spark returned! My daughter is fully engaged with all aspects of secondary school and regularly dips into her Amazing Minds tool kit." Jane B

"Our daughter was having a difficult time at school and was offered the opportunity to work with one of the Amazing Minds Coaches to help her regulate her emotions. We were pleasantly surprised to see a change in her in a short space of time. She still uses her Amazing Minds tool kit well beyond the sessions, and is often heard chatting to her friends about mindfulness when things get a little tough for them. I think she will be forever grateful for the support she received from her Coach. Thank you so much." Pavan G

"My daughter participated in the Amazing Minds programme at the UKAT Sixth Form. This experience played a pivotal role in boosting her self-esteem and confidence. The program empowered her to embrace challenges, voice her opinions, and approach problem-solving with newfound assurance. As a parent, witnessing the positive transformation in my daughter's confidence and self-esteem has been immensely gratifying. The Amazing Minds programme undoubtedly equipped her with the tools and mindset needed to navigate the challenges of life beyond Sixth Form. The impact on my daughter's life has been profound, and I am confident that this program has the potential to empower and inspire many more young minds." Aniyah W

"My daughter has struggled with her nerves in different situations but especially in exam conditions, this was hindering her and so I searched for some help. Jo came highly recommended and from our first meeting I was completely inspired and knew the Amazing Minds programme would help my daughter. Charlie was in the middle of her PPEs when Jo and Charlie started their sessions, and I can honestly say that we noticed a different child week on week. My daughter is now away skiing and having some issues, but I could say to her use your methods Jo has given you and you will be fine by day 3 she’s stopped calling me telling me she was worried and is now enjoying her holiday." Ava R

“My daughter looked forward to each session with Jo and I could see she got a lot out of it. She is using some of the techniques that she was shown and has found these very useful at school and home. She liked the programme so much she has started promoting it to all her friends!" Louisa P

What Amazing Minds Coaches say…

“Having been a member of support staff for many years, I never thought I would work directly with students - the Amazing Minds programme has allowed me to do that. As an Amazing Minds Coach, it is so wonderful to see students building a new relationship with themselves - building on their confidence and resilience to manage difficulty. I have seen so many changes such as improvements in sleep, confidence, self-esteem, self-worth etc. Although all the mindset work is undertaken by the students, it makes you really proud to be part of their journey. Witnessing the moments when they are proud of themselves is a priceless reward! Would I recommend the AM training? Absolutely, one of the best things I've done.” Mary - Kent

"Doing the mindfulness training helped me to develop my own self-care practice and also positively impacted on my own self-awareness. The experiential learning was fun. I enjoyed learning from my peers in supervision and on the initial training. It was good being online so I could fit times easily around my work schedule, it also built my confidence using this program online. The comprehensive handbook was a useful reference point when I started working with my first few students. I would recommend this training as it can help young people learn to look after themselves and be a kinder person. The young person will benefit from being more focused and calmer. You will also benefit from watching how mindfulness really helps to support young people and as the Amazing Minds Coach, you also benefit from the different mindfulness practises as you support the young person. My golden gems delivering this course were hearing a young person say their family had noticed positive changes by session three! It was a magical moment working with one student when they shared their anthem song and I decided to adopt this as my own special anthem song! Finally, seeing how a student with neurodiversity was able to complete the six sessions was a real gift." Sonia – Kent

"The Amazing Minds training is well-designed and rich in content, combining an understanding of adolescents' and young adults' brain development with mental health and mindfulness. Taking part in the training has allowed me to experience first-hand the incredible benefits of the programme, while also thoroughly preparing me to work with young people. So far, the results I have achieved have been astounding and extremely rewarding. It has been such a joy to witness the growth journey of the young people, while also being an active participant in it. Each teenager I have worked with has made significant positive changes, moving in their desired direction in life. I highly recommend the Amazing Minds training to anyone wishing to make an impact on young people and to be changed by it themselves. Jo Price is a caring and passionate person who has supported me throughout the journey through her presence and positivity." Asia - London

“Becoming an Amazing Minds Coach has quite honestly changed my life. Completing the mindfulness course has given me tools to calm my own mind and thoughts, I have learned how to live more in the present moment and be more grateful. All this learning has enabled me, as a person, to live a happier balanced life. I now have a great daily mindfulness routine and so do my family. Undertaking the Amazing Minds course was enjoyable, informative, educational and ultimately inspirational. I always looked forward to the next session. Once I finished the course I couldn't wait to get started with the young people. Being an Amazing Minds Coach is one of the highlights of my job working in a school. Personally, the results I have had so far have been mind-blowing with every student massively improving their mindset goals. The Amazing Minds course is an absolute must, every child can benefit from learning how the brain works and how to practise mindfulness.” Charlotte – Kent

“The Amazing Minds training which I have just completed was excellent. It enabled me to develop my own self awareness, self care practice and taught me things I didn’t know about myself. The training showed me the incredible benefits for the young people and the positive impacts it will make in their lives. I am greatly looking forward to working with the students.” Mary - Kent

“Training for amazing minds has helped me to develop a new directive approach to working with young people. It has given me the tools needed to help them gain a better awareness of themselves and the influence they can have on their own well-being. I’m amazed by how much content has been included in this short course, I would highly recommend it to anyone curious about coaching young people.” Andrew - Kent

“Amazing Minds is amazing. It has reminded me of the importance of my own self-care and mindfulness practices, along with showing me the power of our own individual mindsets and how small things can have a big impact. Training to become an Amazing Minds coach is such an honour. Knowing that the skills I’ve learnt will help me to coach and guide students on their own journey’s. Whilst they’ll be doing the majority of the work I look forward to seeing the difference it will make to them and the positive impact it will have on their lives. The training was inspirational and informative and run by a passionate trainer who wants to help improve students mindsets. The sessions felt collaborative and it was good to engage and learn from the group I was training with too. There are so many benefits to the Amazing Minds program and I wish something like this had been around when I was in school because it really would have made a difference.” Charlotte - Kent

"I was excited at the opportunity to train as an Amazing Minds Coach after witnessing some of my colleagues undertake their training and subsequently working with young people. Their commitment and genuine sense of pride in their student's success has been really inspiring. The Amazing Minds training sessions are engaging and insightful. Participating in the Amazing Minds course has deepened my understanding of mindfulness and it's been a real privilege to engage and learn from the Amazing Minds Trainers alongside the other participants. Learning the Amazing Minds techniques and how to deliver the sessions, to be able to better equip our young people in understanding their own mindset, and how to positively nurture their own wellbeing has been fantastic. The Amazing Minds training sessions work in tandem with a thorough Amazing Minds Guide that will be invaluable as I begin my journey as an Amazing Minds Coach. On a personal level, committing to the training has totally reignited my enthusiasm to engage in consistent mindfulness practice, prioritizing the time to value, understand and protect my own mental health." Claire - Kent

*all the Amazing Minds Coaches names and locations are real and honest accounts of their experiences

“I am pleasantly surprised that I have come this far in just six sessions.”

Oscar B – Year 11